In our school, we use the Rocket Math program to help students learn/memorize their basic facts. They are currently offering a wonderful opportunity for you to continue using this program at home. You can take advantage of their online games FREE for 60 days. Click the image below to find out more.
Worksheet Program 60 days for $1 Get started hereThe worksheet program is used by schools all over the country. Teachers normally print out the worksheets at school, but now parents can access the same virtual filing cabinet that teachers use and have your students use it. Below's a video on how to use it to tutor your own children.
2. Online Game
Free trial for 60 days
Get started hereThe fast-paced Online Game teaches children math facts in a way they enjoy passing the many milestones along the way. Students are only allowed to play for a few minutes at time, but at home they can log on hourly if they wish. Below's a video on how to get started setting it up.
Totally awesome, Jessica!